59 "What is force per unit area called? "Force per unit area is called pressure. "PRESSURE " "PRESUR "What is the force the heart creates as it pushes against the artery walls? "This force is called blood pressure. "BLOOD PRESSURE " "BLUD PRESSUR "With what instrument is blood pressure measured? "Blood pressure is measured with a SPHYGMOMANOMETER. "SPHYGMOMANOMETER "GMOMANO "SPIG "Does a person's blood pressure stay constant throughout his or her lifetime? "No, blood pressure will vary with age, activity and illness. "N " " "What is the main organ of the circulatory system? "The heart is the main organ of the circulatory system. "HEART " "HART "Which blood vessels carry blood away from the heart? "Arteries carry blood away from the heart. "ARTERIES "ARTERY "ART "Too much of this can raise your blood pressure. "Too much stress can raise blood pressure. "STRESS "PRESSURE "SALT "What effect does smoking have on blood pressure? "Smoking raises a person's blood pressure. "RAISES "HIGHER "INCREASES "What is hypertension? "Hypertension is high blood pressure. "HIGH "ELEVATED " "What is the blood pressure between beats called? "The blood pressure between beats is called diastolic pressure. "DIASTOLIC " "DIA "What is the blood pressure when the heart contracts called? "The blood pressure when the heart contracts is called systolic pressure. "SYSTOLIC " "SYS "Hypertension means high blood pressure. If 'tension' means pressure. What do you think 'hyper' means? "'Hyper' means high or over. "HIGH "OVER "MUCH "What happens to the size of the heart when a person has high blood pressure? "The heart becomes enlarged. "LARGE "BIG "SWELL "Which blood cells fight infection? "White blood cells fight infection. "WHITE "LEUKO " "This system of our body is a network of glands and cells that function together to ward off and fight diseases. Name the system. "The immune system fights disease. "IMMUNE "LYMPH " "What common name describes a buildup of dead white blood cells resulting from the battle between them and viruses or bacteria? "This buildup of dead white blood cells is called pus. "PUS " " "When the immune system works against a transplanted organ, we say that the organ is being ________. "The organ is being rejected. "REJECT " " "From what gland do the T cells arise? "The T cells come from the thymus gland. "THYMUS "THYROID "THY "This disease disarms the T cells in the immune system so the T cells no longer recognize invading organisms. Name the disease. "The disease is called Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. (AIDS) "AIDS "ACQUIRED IMMUNE "ADES "What is the body's normal temperature? "The normal temperature is 98.6 degrees F or 37 degrees C. "98.6 "37 " "When your body temperature is elevated, you have a _____. "You have a fever. "FEVER "ILLNESS "FEVRE "The term hyperthermia means above body temperature. What does the term hypothermia mean? "Hypothermia means below body temperature. "BELOW "LOW " "Which will carry away body heat faster, 70 degree water or 70 degree air? "Water will conduct body heat away faster. "WATER "H2O " "In one type of surgery, hypothermia is deliberately induced. What kind of surgery? "Hypothermia is induced in heart surgery. "HEART "CARDIAC "HART "This object is capable of reflecting undiffused light to form a virtual image of anything placed in front of it. What is this object called? "This object is called a mirror. "MIRROR "LOOKING GLASS "MIR "State the law of reflection. "The angle that light strikes a mirror is the same as the angle at which it is reflected. "SAME "EQUAL " "A reflecting surface that bulges outward is said to be ______. "A mirror that curves outward is a convex mirror. "CONVEX " " "What large muscle is responsible for hiccups? "The diaphragm is responsible for hiccups. "DIAPHRA "DIAFR " "The diaphragm is a large, flat muscle that separates the chest cavity from the abdomen. This muscle helps us do what? "The diaphragm helps us breathe. "BREATH "INHALE " "Is there a scientific cure for hiccups? "No, there is no scientific cure for hiccups. "NO " " "A person is suffering from a condition called alopecia. What is the common name for this disorder? "The person suffers from baldness. "BALD "HAIR "BALLED "To what hormone is baldness related? "Male pattern baldness is controlled by the male hormone testosterone. "TEST "MALE HORMONE " "What does the acronym LASER stand for? "LASER stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. "LIGHT AMPLIFICATION BY STIMULATED EMISSION OF RADIATION " " "When lasers are being used, what part of the body must be protected? "The eyes must be protected. "EYE "RETINA " "Name a common use for polarizing filters. "Sunglasses and photographic filters both are common uses of polarizers. "SUN "PHOTO "SHADES "Light that is vibrating in only one direction is said to be _________. "Polarized light vibrates only in one direction. "POLARIZED "POLARISED " "When making ice cream, what can be added to the ice/water mixture to lower its freezing temperature? "Salt is added to lower the freezing temperature. "SALT "NACL " "Freezer burn is caused by the vaporization of ice. This process by which a solid becomes a gas is called ___________. "The process is called sublimation. "SUBLIMATION "SUBLIMING "SUBLIM "What fruit is a good source of potassium? "Bananas are a good source of potassium. "BANANA " "BAN "Citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons are a source of what vitamin? "Citrus fruits are a good source of vitamin C. "C " "SEE "Milk contains the chemical tryptophane. This chemical converts to seratonin which may help you _____. "It may help you sleep. "SLEEP "REST " "Can mayonnaise spoil? "No, mayonnaise is too acidic to spoil. "NO "N " "These swamp dwelling animals have snouts that are longer and more tapered than an alligator. "Crocodiles have longer snouts. "CROCODILE "CROC " "These swamp dwelling animals have snouts that are rounder and broader than the snouts of crocodiles. "Alligators have broader snouts. "ALLIGAT " "ALIGAT "What part of the body does an alligator use to swim? "The tail is used for propulsion. "TAIL " " "To what class of animals does the alligator belong? "The alligator is a reptile. "REPTILE " "REPTIL "What type of organism causes a cold? "A cold is caused by a virus. "VIRUS " " "How many sides does a cold virus have? "A cold virus has twenty sides. "20 "TWENTY " "What term refers to a moon that is getting more full? "The moon is said to be waxing. "WAXING " " "What term refers to a moon that is getting less full? "The moon is said to be waning. "WANING "WAN " "Do we always see the same side of the moon? "Yes, we always see the same side of the moon. "YES "Y " "How many days does it take the moon to travel around the earth? "It takes 28 days. "28 "TWENTY EIGHT " "This word describes the resistance of an object to change its speed or direction. "Inertia "INERTIA "MASS " "This unit is a measurement of the amount of inertia an object has. "Mass is a measurement of inertia. "MASS " " "Who was the British scientist who discovered the law of inertia? "Sir Issac Newton "NEWTON " " "Are mass and weight the same thing? "No, they are different. "N "DIFFERENT " "Can women suffer from baldness? "Yes, women can suffer from baldness. "YES "Y " "Menoxidol is a new medicine that may offer a treatment for what disorder? "Menoxidol may treat baldness. "BALD "HAIR LOSS "BALLED "A person can lay on a bed of nails because the ________ is evenly distributed over many nails. "The pressure of the person's weight is evenly distributed. "WEIGHT "PRESSURE "